December Promotions, Kids' Night Out and More!

December Promotions

This week we will begin our December testing when every student will be considered for a higher rank. Our belt promotion ceremony, for those receiving new belts, will be on Wednesday, December 20, at 6:45 pm. Shima promotions will be $35 and new belts will be $50.

Winter Nationals

Several of Hanabi’s students will be attending the Winter Nationals in Los Angeles December 9 and 10 along with over 900 other judo players. Shuhan, Jargal and Chelsea have all placed at this tournament in the past. We hope to have similar success this time around.

Kids' Night Out!

Our monthly Kids’ Night Out will be on Saturday, December 9th from 6 PM to 9:30PM. We will be watching Frozen, eating pizza, playing games, and having fun! Cost: $35 with $5 for pizza (optional). Please RSVP by 5 PM on Friday December 8th.

Annual Awards Pot Luck

We are looking forward to our Annual Award’s Pot Luck on December 13th at 5:30 PM! Please come with family and your favorite dish to share.

Holiday Vacations and Events

Christmas Break Dec. 23rd and 25th. New Years Card Preparation Dec. 30th, 1pm – 4pm. New Years Break Dec 31 to Jan. 1.