Developing into champions

Team Hanabi

The goal of Team Hanabi is the development of our judo students. There will be different expectations of Team members depending on their age. For all ages though there is one basic principal:

We believe that we can achieve. We show our belief in ourselves by always trying our best.

Team Hanabi: Our nationally-ranked competition team.
Selection: Participation in Team Hanabi is by invitation only.

The Experience

  • The purpose of the team is to offer an enriching experience that includes the
    satisfaction of hard work, the challenge of competition and the deepening of
  • Team Members make a commitment to be the best judo player they can be by
    focusing on their judo during the Hanabi Judo Season
  • All team members are expected to both win and lose matches, important
    experiences that develop character

The Season and the Team

  • The team will have two levels: Developmental 6-9 ; Youth 10 and above
  • The Season is from February through the June In-class tournament for the Developmental Team and through the America’s Cup Championship on July 5-7 for the Youth team.
  • Team members will be given a 2025 Team Hanabi Patch that should be sewn on left shoulder of judogi , a team t-shirt, a custom Hanabi back patch
  • Team Hanabi members will also have special team uniforms that are a requirement. Team shorts or pants are required. They are to be worn with team t-shirt. Hoodies, jackets and other apparel are also available.
  • Membership fees for the Team will be $500 for Developmental and $650 for Youth.


  • Team Practices must be attended every week.

  • Developmental Team members need to attend at least 3 work outs a week including Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

    • Youth team members 10 and above will attend 4 trainings: Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Tuesdays or Thursdays are recommended by not required.

  • If an athlete can’t attend practice they are expected to contact Sensei themselves. They still attend practice even if injured – though they won’t do regular training.

  • There will be multiple coaches working together on the team: Yurii Buhrov, Dan Augustine, Chris Jones and Hayato Nagashima. There may be other coaches who also help.


  • Parents are responsible for supporting, transporting and loving their team members.

  • Parents do not coach their team members nor ask them about judo technical/training issues.

  • Parents talk to, and defer to, Coaches and Senseis about judo technical/training issues

  • Parents can often be nervous before and during competitions. Because of this, and the need to warm up and focus, team members should be with the coaches and team at competitions.

Competitions and Events

  • Team members attend tournaments and training sessions specified on the Event Calendar.

If you can’t do everything

  • If the Team Hanabi member, or their family, cannot follow any of these guidelines let Sensei Dan Augustine know. We will work with you.

  • Hanabi believes one of the strengths we develop in our athletes is persistence. Leaving the team during the season will be a serious disappointment.

2025 Team Hanabi






















Coming Soon!