New Year’s Cards, New Classes and a Sad Christmas Fire

Hanabi “Nengajo”- New Year’s Card - Preparation

On Saturday, December 30 at 12:30 pm we will prepare our 2024 “Nengajo” or New Year’s Cards. In Japan greeting cards are sent out on New Year’s rather than on Christmas as we do in the US. Hanabi, following the Japanese tradition, will be sending out cards to our friends around the Bay and around the world. Come help us apply stamps, address cards and write notes. We will have refreshments and snacks for our helpers. 

Tamayo’s Dojo Fire and Go Fund Me campaign

It was a very sad Christmas for Raul Tamayo and his students as his Los Altos dojo was destroyed by fire on December 25. Raul is a good friend of mine: we grew up competing together and both of us were national champions about the same time. The ABC news story is here: https:// And if you would like to help Raul and Tamayos Dojo there has been a Go Fund Me account set up: 

January Oyako - Parent and Child - Judo!

Beginning on January 16, two year olds, working with their parents – and a big stuffed tiger – will be able to enjoy Hanabi Judo in our “Oyako” or Parent and Child class. Children will learn how to fall safely, sing enthusiastically, speak Japanese and follow instructions like a real judo kid. Oyako Classes will be on Mondays at 3:45 pm and on Saturday mornings at 8:15 am.

New Prices for 2024

In January, in addition to adding new classes and new teachers, Hanabi will be having price increases. Chibi 1x a week: $160; Chibi Unlimited: $195; Hajime 11 years and under Unlimited: $200; Honto 11 years and under: $205; 12 years and older Unlimited: $215

Solano Ave. Coloring Book

Hanabi Judo contributed to a holiday coloring book that the Solano Avenue Association created. We hope you enjoy it!