One of our trusted brown belts, strong competitor and dedicated teacher, Greg Bickham will be performing the Nage-no-Kata, forms of throwing, on Friday night at 7:30. This is his last requirement needed to earn his black belt. We usually do this testing in May but Greg was injured at that time and we want to have him complete everything now because he begins a PhD program next week. After his test we will have a little celebration. Please come!
On Friday, August 30, we’d like to welcome everyone back from vacation with our monthly shiai and a pot-luck party! We invite all our Chibi and Hajime students to the sumo competition beginning at 5:30. At 6:30 our Honto students will compete in a judo shiai (tournament) which we estimate will finish about 7:30. Please bring your favorite dish to share after the competitions. We look forward to enjoying both the food and your company!
This coming Sunday, August 25 Bojuka Judo will be hosting their annual tournament in Seaside near Monterey. We invite all of our Honto students to compete! You can find our video of Bojuka from a few years ago at:
Hanabi Judo will be taking part in the Solano Stroll with a booth and demonstrations. It is a fun day to come out and show the community our judo and our spirit. You can sign up to help on our website .
We began our first week of Hanabi after-school care with pick up for students at Albany’s Marin, Cornell and Ocean View Elementary schools. Its been great! We are still welcoming new students TK-5th grade from Albany, Berkeley and El Cerrito schools. In our after-school care program the kids will have study time, physical activities and cultural experiences all with Hanabi’s emphasis on respect, discipline and fun!
You can find a calendar of all of our events for the rest of the year on our website: