Golden State Open, Black Belt Promotions,
In-class Shiai and More!

Golden State Open Results

Hanabi came home this week from Los Angeles with two golds and two silver medals! Our 13 competitors all fought hard and Hanabi ended up with a winning record: winning more matches than we lost, at America’s largest tournament.  Jargal and Taiyo got gold! Shuhan and Kemet both got silver! And everyone, Zander, Robin, Theo, Charlee, Chelsea, Raangzen, Keiden, Ulysses, and Teo, all looked good out there fighting America’s strongest judoka.

Black Belt Promotion

Yesterday, Wednesday, May 29 Hanabi promoted 18 students and, in addition, Carl Langford performed the nage-no-kata, or the forms of throwing, before being promoted to Shodan, first degree black belt. It was a wonderful celebration.

In-Class Shiai

May 31, Friday will be our monthly in-class tournament. The Chibi and Hajime students will start their sumo tournament at 5:30 while our Honto students will start their Judo tournament at 6:30. Come and enjoy the fun!

Welcome Chris Sensei

Chris Jones, a judoka who received his black belt in Minnesota but who has been teaching English to elementary age children in Taiwan for the past four years will be joining Hanabi on June 3. With his background as a credentialed teacher he will be helping with the Pokemon summer camp and teaching but his real goal is to…make the Olympics!

Thursday Honto

Join our Thursday Honto, “Real”, judo class from 5:45 to 7:15. While we have focussed on gathering our “little” honto students we are opening this class up to all of our honto students.

Summer Camp Discounts

All Hanabi Judo members get 1/2 off of their monthly tuition if they enroll in a week of Hanabi’s Pokemon Summer Camp during any summer month this year.  We have 11 weeks of camp in Albany starting on June 10 and going through August 23. We’d love to have you with us! Register at: