In-Class Tournament, Yurii Sensei’s Birthday, Summer Camp, and More!

In-Class Shiai and Yurii Sensei’s Party

On June 28, we have a wonderful opportunity to do judo and sumo during our monthly in-class shiai (tournament) and celebrate Yurii Sensei’s birthday! We invite all our Chibi and Hajime students to the sumo competition beginning at 5:30. At 6:30 our Honto students will compete in a team judo shiai (tournament). After we will have some birthday cake in honor of Yurii Sensei. And maybe he’ll tell us how old he will become…

Pokemon Summer Camp!

This week is Pokemon Anime’ (animation) for our Pokemon Summer Camp in Albany, Piedmont and Alameda.  We will learn to draw Pikachu, Bulbasaur and many more. Next week will be celebrating Tanabata, the star festival, by decorating bamboo with our wishes.  Remember that all Hanabi Judo members get 1/2 off of their monthly tuition if they enroll in a week of Hanabi’s Pokemon Summer Camp during any summer month this year. Register at:

Judo in Your School!

Hanabi offers wonderful after-school programs in a dozen schools across the East Bay. Our lessons teach Japanese and Judo but more importantly respect and character.   We’d love to offer judo in your child’s school this coming school year! If you are interested please contact me at or call me at Hanabi: 510-530-8312. 

Hanabi’s Newest Instructor: Chris Sensei

Hanabi is lucky to have wonderful teachers from around the world but we also have good American instructors too. Chris Sensei is a bit of both. Chris spent his early years in Southern California then moved to Minnesota where he heard about judo in high school. He looked around for a dojo and found North Star Judo led by Michelle Holtze, a world champion in kata.  She was an inspiration to Chris. He worked hard at judo but he also had a serious interest in teaching and living abroad. He studied early childhood education and Teaching English as a Second Language, receiving his teaching credential, and taught for a year in Minnesota. He then traveled to Japan for a summer, teaching English there.  Chris, whose mother is Chinese-American, found an opportunity in Taiwan where he was able to teach first at a public school and then to Kindergarten students at a bilingual international school. He was there for 4 years when he heard about Hanabi.  Chris is one of our lead teachers at Hanabi’s Pokemon Summer Camp and we hope to have him head up a new after-school care program in Albany in the Fall.  But Chris is really looking forward to developing his judo here.  We expect him to become a strong competitor, representing Hanabi at both local and national competitions.  He is a wonderful teacher now. We expect him to become a wonderful competitor as well.

4th Of July

Hanabi Judo will be closed on Thursday, July 4th for summer camp and classes.


There Will Not be Pokemon summer camp in Alameda & Piedmont.