An active, fun judo experience where everyone can learn together.

Chibi Judo - Pre-Judo

Chibi (little) Judo helps children grow in wonderful ways. As we jump, run, and roll we develop balance, coordination and confidence.

And we have fun! We start out learning our names in Japanese then do movement exercises, tumbling, and some simple judo techniques that teach us to fall safely. We place a strong emphasis on culture so everyone plays games, sing songs and speaks the language of Japan. We learn to “nete” (lie down) and to “tonde” (leap) like a “raion” (lion).

In our positive learning environment we bow politely to Sensei and to one another. At Hanabi respect comes as naturally as smiling.

Hajime! - Beginning Judo

Hajime! (Begin!) establishes a strong base of judo technique, culture, and character. Fun tumbling, jumping and running activities warm us up before we practice our ukemi or falling techniques. Hajime students learn to fall safely, effortlessly and without discomfort.

Judo allows a smaller person to control an opponent bigger and stronger than themselves. We learn to hold a person down with “kesa-gatame” (scarf hold) and we practice throws where our opponent can be flipped upside down – on Sensei.

Every class finishes with games that develop physical coordination, balance and laughter. We sing in Japanese about inspiration and bow to each other respectfully. Then we say “arigotoh” (thank you). Respect and discipline are as much a part of Hanabi as smiling.

Honto no Judo - Real Judo

Our Intermediate classes allow students to not just learn but to actually use their judo skills. In this class it is quite common to see two feet flying through the air as a throwing technique is successfully applied.

The skills taught here are more advanced and they are honed through standing, tachi-waza, matwork, ne-waza drills and epecially through extended randori or free practice. The exercises here are also a bit more intense and the games a bit more physical. At this level the fun is a bit more rugged but the smiles are just as broad.

Instructors keep a careful, supportive eye on all of the students to assure that techniques are used efficiently and safely. The environment is a great combination of competition and friendship.

Tournament competition is not required in the Intermediate class but we want all of our intermediate students to have the skills necessary to compete successfully if they so choose.

This year, Team Hanabi, made up almost completely of Intermediate students, placed third in the State of California.

Oyako - Parents and Children

Oyako offers children from the age of two an active judo learning experience. Working together with their parent our young Oyako students start with a bow to show respect and quickly move on to learning to fall safely, sing enthusiastically, speak Japanese and follow instructions like a real judo player. Through our engaging activities children develop not just coordination but confidence and, maybe best of all, new friends. There may be times when our little ones don’t participate perfectly but patience, understanding and our experienced support will help students to learn and grow.