Kid’s/Parents’ Night Out, Tamayo Judo Visit and More!

Kids/Parents’ Night Out!

Saturday, August 12 will be our next Kids’/Parents’ Night Out with pizza, games and teenage sempais. We will be watching Studio Ghibli’s Ponyo! It is $35 and $5 for pizza. 

Visit to Tamayo’s Judo in Los Altos

Hanabi has been invited to visit Tamayo’s Judo club on August 20 from 10:00 to 11:30 am for a special workout. Head Sensei Raul Tamayo trained under Willy Cahill, 9th degree black belt and two time Olympic Coach.  Dan Augustine and Raul grew up doing judo together and both were Sr. National Champions in the 80’s and 90’s. Cahill Sensei will be in attendance during our visit.

Silicon Valley Tournament

On Sunday July 30, Silicon Valley Judo Club hosted a small tournament and Hanabi brought four students who produced great results. Shuhan won her two matches by two full points, Chelsea won her three matches by three full points and Caio won two of his three matches; all of them took first place! Robin, in his first formal competition demolished a higher ranked player in his first match, making his opponent fly through the air! He did lose his second match and finished in second place. Congratulations to all!

Pokemon Summer Camp

Next week, the week of August 14, will be Hanabi’s final camp session of the summer. It has been incredible! We have had camps in Piedmont, Alameda and Albany, employed 25 young people and had almost 300 campers who enjoyed Hanabi Judo and Pokemon! We hope you will consider us for next week or for summer 2024.