Monthly Shiai and Pot-Luck, Open Mat, And More!

Sumo/Judo Shiai and Pot Luck

May 19 will be our first monthly Sumo and Judo tournament for ALL of our students! While our more advanced Honto students will be competing in judo, our Chibi and Hajime students will compete in a sumo tournament. Everyone is invited to take part and there will be awards for all. After we will have a pot-luck to celebrate. 5:30 pm start. This event will take the place of Hajime and Honto classes on May 19.

Pleasanton “Open Mat”

Tri-Valley Judo Club in Pleasanton will be hosting a work-out for all Bay Area judo players on Sunday, May 21. We would especially love to have our Honto students to try out working with other young judoka. Both Dan and Yuri will be attending and supporting our Hanabi kids. Let sensei know if you are interested.

Special Visit by America’s First World Champion

On Saturday, May 20, Hanabi’s teenagers have been invited to a training session with America’s first world champion, Anna Maria De Mars. She is also famous as the mother of Olympic Bronze Medalist and Mixed Martial Artist Ronda Rousey. If you are interested please talk to sensei.

Kids Night Out!

Our monthly Kids’ Night Out on Saturday, May 13th was a wonderful success with over 30 children playing, watching movies and eating pizza with us. Please come to next month’s Kids/Parents’ Night out on June 17th.

Otona/Adult Judo

We will be stopping our Adult classes on Tuesdays at 5:45PM beginning in June.  We should have them back in Fall after a summer break.