Open Mat in San Jose, Team Hanabi,
Parent’s Night Out

February 5, Open Mat in San Jose!

Join us and judo people from throughout the Bay Area to practice together at the San Jose Judo Academy on  February 5. 13 years and under will begin at 10:00, 14 years and older will start at 11:00. If you are  interested be sure to tell Dan Augustine Sensei.

Team Hanabi Informational Meeting

On Wednesday, February 8, at 7:00 we will be inviting parents to learn about “Team Hanabi”, our  competitive team that will be training hard from February through June with the goal of attending the  California State Championship and for some, the Junior Olympics in Shreveport, LA. Over the years Hanabi  has produced many national and international champions. Can your child be our next one?

Parent’s Night Out February 11

Our February Kids/Parent’s Night Out will be on Saturday, February 11 from 6 PM to 9:30PM. We will be  watching the movie “Encanto”, eating popcorn and pizza, and Playing Games! Price is $30/child, $5 for  pizza (optional) Please RSVP by 5 PM Fri. February 9.